You Are As Young As The NO (nitric oxide) In Your Arteries!

Nitric oxide release from the endothelium, the single layer of cells that are the inner lining of your arteries, is the key to reducing all typesof vascular disease and other chronic diseases, and actually plays a major role in anti-aging. Learn how to increase your nitric oxide from this book…This is the reason Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has people eat green leafy vegetables with balsamic vinegar “6” times per day….to increase as much NO as possible.

Resource: The Nitric Oxide (NO) Solution (2010), by Nathan S. Bryan, PhD and Janet Zand, OMD, pages

Be and Stay Well,


You may call Kirk Hamilton PA-C Monday thru Friday 8-9 a.m. PST at 916-489-4400 for brief medical questions at Health Associates Medical Group.

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